
How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips Fast

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How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips? What Are Hip Dips & Why Do We Have Them

How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips? What Are Hip Dips & Why Do We Have Them

'How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips? – What Are Hip Dips And Why The Heck We Have Them?' – Monica May

Ever heard of HIP DIPS? If you have, I bet you've googled "how to get rid of hip dips".
Maybe you're doing it right now…

Just stop for a second, because you've come to the right place.
I've struggled with my hip dips for a while now, and today I'm telling you all about it!

From why do we have them, to what are hip dips and how can we get rid of them.

First of all, let me tell you that you are not alone in this.
We are all there on the struggle bus with you, because, well, we are girls, and I feel like everything's harder for us :)

Apparently, other than our 'superpower' to store fat twice as faster than men do, and the ability to build muscles and burn fat twice as slower, we can thank for having hip dips too.


We had them since forever.

However, this trend of realizing we have hip dips and obsessing ourselves with 'how to get rid of hip dips' started just a few years back.

It's been quite a journey for me too, so I decided to do research and dedicate this article to every single girl out there struggling to get rid of hip dips.

Let's clear out this hip dip dilemma and dig up a bit to find out:

  • what are hip dips,
  • why the heck we have hip dips,
  • how to get rid of hip dips,
  • my ULTIMATE hip dips fix workout.

Let's not waste any second longer and head on to those dips.

How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips? And Why The Heck We Have Them

What Are Hip Dips?
Why Do We Have Hip Dips?

So, what are hip dips?

This thing we all refer to as a "hip dip" (aka violin hips) is actually the slight inward curve just below each hip bone.

They occur when your hip bone is located slightly above your femur, which causes muscle and fat to go inward.

Every single one of us has them because that's just how anatomy works.

It's all in the bone structure actually.

We are all born with a hip bone and a femur bone, and the distance between these bones decides how big of a dip we'll have.

For some of us, it will be more visible, because you have a higher hip bone, or you have wider hips.

Our hip bones and trochanter major are also responsible for this, and the size and form of our dips are very individual and vary from one person to another.

That's why some of us have bigger dips than others.

Can We Get Rid Of Hip Dips? And Why The Heck We Have Them 1

I, for example, found out about hip dips when I got fit.

Before, I think they were covered with a layer of body fat or something, and I just never knew about them.

When I started eating healthy, and I started exercising daily for a few months: TA-DA!

As my body and booty started to build some lean muscle mass, the fat around it was completely gone, my hip dips just sunk down and I couldn't do anything about it.

And I'm not the only one, you're about to see some of the hottest fitspo girls out there, that have hip dips in common.

In fact, they suggest that worrying about having hip dips is same as worrying about having a nose – some of us have bigger than others, but it's a bone that is there for a reason and it's just a part of who we are.

It's what we're made of, our human anatomy.

How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips?
Can We?!

I will lie if I say we can get rid of them completely because the truth is we can't :(

I'm sorry for saying this, girls, but it ain't gonna happen, not the natural way anyway.

Through proper diet and workout, we can minimize the hip dip to a certain extent, but that's depending on body type and muscle and fat distribution.

However, getting rid of them completely is not really possible.

we can't lose them since they are not like belly fat or love handles – hip dips are purely genetic.

But, does everyone have them?

Yes. We all have them. They've always been a part of the women's body.

And it's really important to realize that before letting plastic surgery set our beauty standards and want to get rid of hip dips in the first place.

No offense to anyone.
I get why women reach for plastic surgery and get hip augmentation or fat transfer – that's their own body and their own choice.

To be honest, I am okay with everyone doing what they want to their own bodies.

I just feel like Instagram and social media overall has decided that our flaws are a problem that we have to deal with.

And this is what really bothers me.

We just have to learn that having flaws is normal and something we all actually have, and that's nothing to be ashamed of.

I know women are always on the hunt for those curves.
I'm not going to deny that they look fabulous, however, any fitness athlete, curvy girl, your favorite fitspo, even Marilyn Monroe had incredible curves, yet she had dips herself!

Let's take Linn Lowes for example.

She looks just STUNNING. Every single muscle popped out, her glutes are just glowing, yet she has the dips.

How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips? And Why The Heck We Have Them

And, she's not afraid to show them.

In fact, Linn talks about them on her IG encouraging girls to love themselves.

Another one, Jelly Devote, one of the most REAL fitspo you'll meet.

She is not ashamed to show the world that posing can hide anything when in real life everything's different.

And Marisa Taylor

Violeta Costas @violetacostas

Can We Get Rid Of Hip Dips? And Why The Heck We Have Them 6

Josephine Scriver @josephineskriver

Can We Get Rid Of Hip Dips? And Why The Heck We Have Them 7

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Should I go on?

Now let me ask you this, would you say that the one thing these girls have in common is hip dips?


What these girls have in common is absolutely stunning bodies, they look healthy, they respect and love themselves and they look amazing, fit and just gorgeous.

What they have in common is eating healthy and working out hard!

Check out all-in-one program right now >>>

They also have cellulite, stretch marks and all of that stuff everyone has.

But most important of all, they all love themselves!

And we should all start practicing that one too, instead of constantly trying to correct our flaws.

Is There Exercise That Can Make Them Less Visible?

I believe working out in general, especially doing strength training, will help you make the best version of your body, and will give your dips a better look.

If you are not working out already, I warmly suggest you to start right now. ( If you don't know where to start, check out my workout program).

Losing weight, in general, will help you

However, when it comes to spotting those hip dips, my suggestion would be to try and build your Glute Medius.

You can see on the picture with the human anatomy, that's the muscle between the hip bone and trochanter major.

For some people with small dips, this might help, but it won't get rid of any real hip dips and it won't get you wider hips. It will help with the overall looks of your whole butt area tho.

I've personally tried working on it, and I like the results. It didn't work that much for me with the hip dips but I like the shape I got from doing these workouts.

I see girls have some results when working on their Glute Medius, they have improved their dips a bit, but you'll never fill them out completely as I said, unfortunately, that's absolutely impossible.

The thing is that this muscle is really hard to target since is a pretty small one.

However, I packed up the ULTIMATE hip dips workout for you, so let's jump right into it!

My Hip Dips Workout

Here's my ULTIMATE HIP DIPS FIX workout routine >>>

Booty band is essential when trying to target the side glute muscles and your hip dips, so make sure to get one.

You'll also need a kettlebell or a dumbbell for the two heavyweight exercises.

For those of you who don't like workout videos, here're are the exercises.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, with 15 seconds rest between the exercises.

Once you finish with the 10 exercises, take a minute rest and do another round.

1. Banded Jumping Jacks

Banded jumping jacks - hip dips exercises

2. Hollow Body Pull Aparts

pull apparts

3. Heavy Sumo Squats

Heavy sumo squats

4. Side Leg Raises Left Leg

Side leg raises left side

5. Banded Jumping Squats

Banded jumping squats

6. Side Leg Raises Right Leg

Side Leg Raises Left Leg

7. Kettlebell Deadlifts

deadlifts - hip dips exercises

8. Compass Squats

9. Banded Glute Bridges

10. Banded Side Walks

Banded Side Walks - get rid of hip dips Banded Side Walks

Get more legs and booty exercises here >>> Get Sexy Legs With The Best Leg Day Exercises

Also, you have to check out my all-in-one workout program RADIATE to lose weight and get fit!

You can try out day 1 here:

It's only 20 to 30 minutes a day, with over 100 different exercises to keep it diverse and fun, plus you can do it in the comfort of your own home, with minimal equipment.

This program helped me so much with my fat loss, plus it helped me tone some serious muscles around the glutes and hips, to minimize my hip dips.

Give it a try >>>

Start Eating Healthy

Cleaning up your diet is the most important thing when it comes to any body goal.

This will help you get healthy, fit and burn more fat in general, especially in the places you don't want it such as the hip dip area.

So, make sure to clean up your diet and get in the right nutrition balance to get the best results.

Incorporate a healthy diet, loaded with lean proteins, healthy fats and complex carbs, and lots of veggies and greens.

Now, since sticking to a diet and eating healthy overall can be a real struggle itself for many of us, I made a meal plan with the exact same diet I used to get fit.

If this is something you struggle with too, go ahead to check out my all in one program.

You'll find a meal plan there, with daily schedules and over 100+ healthy recipes you are going to fall in love with!

Girls, I Really Hope I Helped You Figure Out The 'How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips' Dilemma!

Maybe not with getting rid of hip dips, but with making sure you accept them as a part of you.

Hip dips do not define you and they most certainly shouldn't be the reason why your confidence is low.

You are beautiful and you are gorgeous, and you shouldn't let some imaginary standards control your self-love and self-respect.

We're not perfect and that's what makes us beautiful!

Learn to love yourself as you are and focus on health instead of obsessing with perfection.

It's all about how you feel inside out in the end, not some beauty standards.

Remember, you are beautiful!

Don't forget to share this article with someone who really needs to hear this.

Till next time!

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How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips Fast


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